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I've been looking for the Holygrail in forex for the rest of my life. Recently I really found it.

"The real holygrail in forex is to understand there is no holygrail."

That's it. The one who are able to understand what's that mean will really find the holygrail.

- BlueDreamFx-


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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Optimizing Source Code

Concerning to my previous post about the forward test for the FullHouse EA, we found that this EA is profitable(so far) and trade safely without/less floating. And I've also repaired some weakness detected on this EA during the forward test.

But not so fast. I believe that market has a lot of variety conditions. Maybe thousand... or even billion candles formation.... who knows. I've tried my best to identify and to classify some of the patterns. Which one is for entry pattern... continuous... and indecision pattern of candles. Maybe I did mistake, and surely I'm not able to identify all cases, but at least my job is base on observation, basic knowledge and probabilities, not interfered by theories of candlestick.

And because of that, this EA will/may need some modification or enhancement in future. In order to do that, I've optimize the source code of the EA to make it easy to read and modify/maintenance in future. Currently, after some modification the version is 1.20.

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