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I've been looking for the Holygrail in forex for the rest of my life. Recently I really found it.

"The real holygrail in forex is to understand there is no holygrail."

That's it. The one who are able to understand what's that mean will really find the holygrail.

- BlueDreamFx-


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Friday, November 27, 2009

25 pips while watcing Youtube

Today is Friday and Aid al-Adha day for Muslim all over the world. I wish to all Muslim Happy Hari Raya 'Aid al-Adha' Day.

I just went back from town. I opened my computer, surfed internet and watched video from Youtube. It's Criss Angle - Mindfreak show.

But First, I wasn't forget to open trading platform and activate the EA. Lets the EA do the job.

1 hour later I turned back to the trading platform... I found that the EA has already BUY GJ and hit TP. Simple job. Even mommy can do it. Who gonna pay you 25 pips without do anything

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