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I've been looking for the Holygrail in forex for the rest of my life. Recently I really found it.

"The real holygrail in forex is to understand there is no holygrail."

That's it. The one who are able to understand what's that mean will really find the holygrail.

- BlueDreamFx-


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Thursday, November 26, 2009

No trade so far

Sorry folks...
I didn't open my trading platform on Monday and Tuesday because I have things to do.

On Wednesday I've activate the EA but there is no open trade. It must be some logical explanation. Let me check it manually...

On H4
EU - extremely strong Bullish as I can see from previous candle
GU - market as I can see from the current candle... don't have any decision to go where. Previous candle indicate strong Bearish.
EJ - Current candle is continuous pattern for BULL. Considered too late by EA. Previous candle is entry for BULL.
GJ - Indicate continuous pattern for BEAR
UJ - ....
EG - ....

My conclusion is the market movement was 'unstable' Too dangerous to enter any position

Ok. I must fair to anyone who read this blog. I didn't post the result for the last floating GJ last week. So here there is

It still profit.

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