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I've been looking for the Holygrail in forex for the rest of my life. Recently I really found it.

"The real holygrail in forex is to understand there is no holygrail."

That's it. The one who are able to understand what's that mean will really find the holygrail.

- BlueDreamFx-


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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Could the system help us to control our emotion???

After a long time... finally i realize that... we make money by waiting. Emotion is the greatest weakness and at the same time it could be the greatest strength of human being. However to deal with market, someone has to be patient and able to controlled emotion. That was the most difficult part in trading.

I've updated the system by adding the system's reminder... hopefully i will always remember to control emotion in trading. I understand that the system is not intelligent enough but at least the system always thinking in logical way.... and won't forget once the instruction set into it.

And.... Who is BlueDream anyway??? --------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 comment:

nimzoindy said...

Ye.. Btol tu bro.. Bukan stakat MM je yg penting, Emotion management pun kena jaga gak. Ibarat mcm haiwan masa nk terkam mangsa, kena sabar menunggu. Klu trgopoh gapah, lepas tu, plan B mcm MM pun xjaga, = MC la jwbnya. Apepun, bro org lama, mesti dh byk pengalaman dlm dunia trading ni. Gud luck. :-)

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