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I've been looking for the Holygrail in forex for the rest of my life. Recently I really found it.

"The real holygrail in forex is to understand there is no holygrail."

That's it. The one who are able to understand what's that mean will really find the holygrail.

- BlueDreamFx-


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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Story Behind The Candle - Part 3

What I meant by Strong Or Weak Candle?

It's simple. That is nothing special on how I divide the things although only a few of us do make attention on it. Compare the High and Low of the last 2 candles and what type of the current candle.
  1. If the current candle is BULL and the high and low of that candle is greater than the previous candle's high low... i call it strong BULL.
  2. If the current candle is BEAR and the high and low of that candle is less than the previous candle's high low... i call it strong BEAR.
I thought everybody can accept this. This is basically how I classify the candle... by comparing High and Low.... and everyone should also mention that there is not just 2 cases. And the story also different if the current candle is BULL while current High Low is less then previous. And how about if current candle... for example is BULL while current high greater than the previous but current low is less then the previous? I know that you call it as 'Engulfing'... I talk about the same thing but in the different name or story behind the candle.

From my previous post... I wrote that... by comparing the last 4 candles High Low ... I get 72 conditions at all.

Entry Point

In term of probabilities.... I guess :) .... I get 4 types of entry point.
  1. Type 1 - Strong Fractal. The highest probability. In term of strong... refer my definition above. This is the strongest entry point among the others.
  2. Type 2 - In general... known as Engulfing. In my story, I express that thing as struggling but then successfully change the situation for example from strong BULLISH to BEARISH :). We also get chance to win but sometimes the market goes sideways.
  3. Type 3 - The pattern almost like fractal and it's happen very seldom but possibly this pattern will come out on chart. The pattern is... for example... let say H1 is current candle's high,L1 current candle's Low and the previous variables of candle was L2, H2, H3 and H4. The type 3 occurred like this : (H1 less then H2) and (H2 equal to H3) and (H3 greater than H4) and (L1 less then L2)
  4. Type 4 - Difficult to express how it look like :D.... Refer this formula : (isBEARCandle(i=1) && isBULLCandle(i=2) And (L1 greater then L2) And (L2 greater then L3) And (H1 less or equal to H2)) where i=1 is current candle and i=2 the previous candle.

1 comment:

Trader Rich said...

Very informative. It would be nice if you could add some graphs to drive home the point. Thanks for sharing.

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