Tuesday, January 6, 2009


9:40 PM GMT +8

EJ price tried to break 126.22 for strong H4 BULLISH... otherwise it remain major trend BEARISH

9:50 PM GMT + 8
Already broke ... but did some correction at M5... close at +30 pips...

p/s My trading style is 'probability' and I trade base on candle condition where I think the chance to profit is high... I assume that market move in random manner... so that I always play save and just take what market could give me. My entry is M5 fractal... and at the moment I'm just wait and see the next M5 low.

And... I want to dedicate my thanks to my greatest sifu mfazy121... Where ever you are.... "thanks a lot" from me. Its only take 10 minutes to get 30 pips... without -ve floating... Once I enter the market, few minutes later I found that market follow my position direction. Finally I almost get your style. Or maybe I did my on style to trade base on candle. But you teach me how to catch the price movement from biggest TF and entry on small TF. And you also told me to control emotion and did money management.


Anonymous said...

Great post
שער הדולר

mfazy121 said...

Salam BD,
i'm touched what u have learned. this shows that u c but not blind like most traders watch the very same chart.
keep it up, hopefully ur dreams will come true but never stop imagine for the best.
last but not least.....the key in forex is MM.

remember my tagline?


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